Install Inbucket on a systemd equipped Linux

The commands below should be run as root.

1. Install Package

For Debian based distributions, run:

dpkg -i inbucket_VER_linux_amd64.deb
systemctl enable inbucket

For RedHat based distributions, run:

rpm -ivh inbucket_VER_linux_amd64.rpm
systemctl enable inbucket

2. Enable & Start Inbucket

Start the daemon and check for errors:

  1. Have the daemon start at boot: systemctl enable inbucket
  2. Start the daemon: systemctl start inbucket
  3. Confirm it stayed running: systemctl status inbucket
  4. Check for startup errors: journalctl -u inbucket

3. Access Web Interface

Confirm that Inbucket is listening on the default port: localhost:9000.

4. Customize Inbucket Configuration

Inbucket is configured via environment variables, please see for more information; or try our Configurator. You’ll need to modify the Environment= statements in /etc/systemd/system/ for the configuration changes to become permanent.

If something goes wrong, you may refer to the default systemd unit on GitHub.